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5 simple project ideas for those with no business experience


Programming is such a field of work that you can get experience and pass a job interview without real work experience. As certain projects are realized in every company, a professional developer is needed to code them. Thanks to your portfolio, you can prove to the interviewers that you have the level and knowledge to realize the company's projects. Therefore, we present to you 5 web programming project ideas that will both strengthen your CV and improve your knowledge.




1) Registration form - Form validation

It is very rare to find web projects without a registration form. One of the tasks that programmers often encounter in their daily activities is related to this form. Although it looks simple, it is an interesting and complex task because several "if", "else", "for" combinations are used.


In addition to these, during the verification (validation), which is part of the registration process, matching of passwords, use of uppercase letters and numbers, notification of "this name has been used" if the username is in the database are considered to be the main functions of the task.




2) Chat app - Chat app


The fact that Javascript works perfectly not only on the front-end but also on the server-side and the fact that programmers can use it is very attractive for IT companies these days. With Javascript's React JS library, you can create a chat app and add it to your portfolio. Additionally, you can transfer data to the database using the Node.js open library.


3) Weather APP - Weather APP, where you can use API

There are several open APIs available on the web, and all of them can be used to do functional and interesting things. One of the most well-known is software related to weather data. You can add daily, weekly and monthly weather updates by creating a single page website and integrating weather APIs. One of the main reasons why companies use APIs is that there is no need for manual programmer input, which is constantly updated.


4) Your own portfolio and CV site


A portfolio site is a must for every aspiring programmer in terms of interface and showcasing the work you've done so far. It's kind of his business card. Having this type of resume format will give you an edge over other candidates when you send your resume.


5) A platform where you can search - Search Box


Another application that you will add to your projects can be a platform that can search for any text or word. Thanks to this project, you will get the ability to work with objects, Arrays, use their methods and at the same time improve your knowledge about DOM methods in Javascript.


Beginners to programming can choose Java because it is operating system independent and has a rich set of open source libraries and components. Also, Java is considered the specialty of both today and the future.


If you're wondering what to learn next, we recommend you read our blog "A Beginner's Java Programmer's Roadmap".

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